Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spaghetti Pomodoro

I absolutely love spaghetti, in all forms. However, I really love the lightness of spaghetti pomodoro. Spaghetti pomodoro isn't as heavy as a regular spaghetti sauce. It is made with only tomatoes, olive oil and a few vegetables and spices. Here is a recipe I tried, and loved.

Serves 4-5 people

1 box of bucatini pasta (or any pasta you have at home works too)
10 oz can of chopped tomatoes (or chop fresh tomatoes yourself- if you have the time)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 carrots
1 celery stick
garlic clove
basil and parmesan for finishing :)

Finely chop carrots, celery and garlic on a chopping board. Chop the vegetables until they are minced. You can use a food processor to speed up the process as well.
Also, start boiling your water, the vegetables do not take too long to cook.

1.) Heat your skillet on medium-high and toss your olive oil in the pan.

2.) Throw in the carrots, celery and garlic and toss it around with the olive oil. Sprinkle salt over the vegetables as you let them cook to add taste.  Let this cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring frequently.

3.) Once the vegetables are cooked, toss in the chopped tomatoes (and juices from the can) and stir it together, Turn the heat down to low and let simmer together. Pour in a splash more olive oil and stir in with your tomatoes.

4.) Once you cook your pasta, throw the pasta in with your sauce and stir, keeping it on low heat. Put the pasta in a nice big serving bowl and finish off with a little basil and parmesan.

5.) Enjoy, or in italian; Gustare!

*Here is a picture of my very own spaghetti pomodoro*

Wine Pairing: Sangiovese is an Italian red wine that pairs nicely with hearty red sauce pastas or any italian dishes! Sangiovese pairs really nicely with tomato-based sauces, pizza, or even steak.

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